June 16, 2017

Is it time to welcome our robot overlords? 10:30 AM  -  11:30 AM Is it time to welcome our robot overlords? 450

Is it time to welcome our robot overlords?

Carol Watson

Kris Niedringhaus

You’ve probably heard of ROSS Intelligence, Kira Systems, or Lex Machina but what about Premonition, Docubot, or the Do Not Pay chatbot?
Artificial intelligence has the potential to transform the practice of law. Or does it? Skeptics predicted a legal apocalypse while optimists predict positive outcomes. Either way, it’s a revolution.
Find out more about how AI is, and will, impact the legal industry. Topics will include defining artificial intelligence, the history of AI’s development, as well as big law’s approach to AI, ethics implications, and how AI is currently being used in the legal environment. We’ll also discuss whether law, in particular, presents unique problems for machine learning and engage the audience in a conversation about AI’s potential for disrupting legal research and other areas of legal practice such as IT management. Finally, we’ll consider what the development of AI means for our instruction and research strategies.

Session Category :  Faculty  Librarian  Technologist