June 15, 2017

Professional Social Media: More Fun than [Barrel Emoji] [Monkey Emoji] 2:30 PM  -  3:30 PM Professional Social Media: More Fun than [Barrel Emoji] [Monkey Emoji] 442

Professional Social Media: More Fun than [Barrel Emoji] [Monkey Emoji]

Eve Ross

The presenter is a reference librarian and legal research instructor, and she coordinates the social media for a law school library.

Our own social media presences are among the models law students look to, when figuring out how to market themselves and their future practices.

The traditional emphasis of social media advice on “what not to post” and “how to be unfindable online” will be gently subverted in favor of “what to post” and “how to build trust, open up, and reach out.”

Attendees who manage individual or organizational social media will leave with a trove of ideas for what to post, how to reach out, and how to have more fun with social media while staying professional.

Session Category :  Faculty  Librarian  Technologist