June 16, 2017

Creating Videos that Law Students Love: Investigating Students’ Satisfaction with Online Educational Media 2:30 PM  -  3:30 PM Creating Videos that Law Students Love: Investigating Students’ Satisfaction with Online Educational Media 240

Creating Videos that Law Students Love: Investigating Students’ Satisfaction with Online Educational Media

Aaron Dewald

A lot of research has examined the efficacy of online multimedia used in educational environments (Clark & Mayer, 2016). However there have been fewer investigations into how these environments impact the satisfaction of students, that is, even though the video may properly adhere to multimedia theory, how do the students feel about what they are watching and learning?

Quimbee aims to answer this question by conducting an experiment in the spring of 2017 that explores student media satisfaction along four dimensions: quality of the visuals, quality of the explanation, quality of the production, and quality of the learning. Students are recruited via Quimbee’s website and placed into one of three, randomized, counterbalanced conditions and asked to watch and rate videos produced using three different styles: talking head, powerpoint-based, and multimedia-based.

This presentation will share the background and procedure of the study, the results of the study, as well as key takeaways that will inform future online educational media development.

Session Category :  Faculty  Librarian