In life as in music, rhythm is the great coordinator of our actions, a vehicle for achieving our goals, expressing our intentions. I’m “in the groove”, “marching to the beat of a different drummer”, and “out of sync” are all ways we describe our work and life experience, and our relationship to them.
Among the most powerful and effective ways to manage change in organizations of all kinds is the ability to coordinate action with those we work with. To feel the rhythm of their way of work and being, and to share our own, as we align ourselves with new directions that change will always provide. And if change is constant, then being able to sense change, and align with it is an invaluable skill.
We will use rhythm as both a metaphor, and a lived experience of change and the opportunities we sometime mistake as problems, and explore our own capacity for innovation, flexibility and resilience in this hands on, playful and powerful experience.
Session Category : Faculty Librarian Technologist