June 15, 2017

Stop Calling it “Distance” Learning – It’s Just Learning 1:00 PM  -  2:00 PM Stop Calling it “Distance” Learning – It’s Just Learning 250

Stop Calling it “Distance” Learning – It’s Just Learning

Greg Brandes

Hope Kentnor

Widespread adoption of synchronous classroom platforms in distance learning and “flipped classroom” techniques in in-person, face-to-face learning has blurred the shoreline where the sea of distance learning meets the land of fixed-facility learning. The list of shared teaching and learning tools is long and growing: web-based syllabi and assignments, automated grading, electronic office hours, formative assessment, recorded content (e.g. class archives), gamified learning exercises and simulations, etc. This session examines the intersection of two great teaching and learning modalities and asks the question: “Does the name make a difference anymore?” Join us for a lively discussion group and just maybe help solve a long-running controversy!

Session Category :  Faculty  Librarian  Technologist